Resident Ambassador Program
At Connected Communities, we know neighborhood residents have the insight and knowledge to create lasting change in their communities. The Resident Ambassador Program, which began in 2019, not only gives neighborhood residents the opportunity to be involved in revitalization efforts in Beechwood and EMMA, but also pays them for their time and expertise.
Each year, Connected Communities hires Beechwood and EMMA residents as part-time staff. These Resident Ambassadors are our boots-on-the-ground engagement team members, serving as liaisons between community-based organizations and neighborhood residents. They help organize events, conduct door-to-door outreach to share information, and connect residents to resources in the area. The increase in residents engaged is, in large part, due to the long-term commitment Resident Ambassadors have for their neighborhood and community.

Meet Tammy
Co-Lead Resident Ambassador
Tammy is in her fifth year as a Resident Ambassador with Connected Communities. Additionally, she is a board member for the Beechwood Neighborhood Coalition. In her role as a board member and Resident Ambassador, she is focused on reducing violence in her community.
Tammy also serves on the Housing Committee for Connected Communities; she is passionate about helping people become homeowners. In 2019, Tammy was accepted to speak at Communities Joined in Action, a national conference in New Orleans for her work on eviction. When she is not working, she likes to do puzzles, garden, and spend time with her grandkids.
CC Initiatives led by Tammy
- Community Pop-up Coordinator
- Environmental Justice
- Community Gardens
- Community Partner Relationships
- BNC Board Member & CC Rep
Meet Sheila
Co-Lead Resident Ambassador
Sheila is a member of the fourth cohort of Resident Ambassadors. She and her six children have lived in Beechwood for five years. They have loved getting to know their neighbors, becoming a part of the community, and understanding their neighborhood's issues. She is excited about investing in her community and making a real difference through the Resident Ambassador position.

CC Initiatives led by Sheila
- Community Engagement Data & Metrics
- Block Club Communication
- MyWayFinder Appointments
- Trauma Informed Care within the B.A. Program